Jaw? Dropping! Shirt? Covered with drool! Heart? Aching with joy! I could not be happier right now: Margaret Atwood, a relatively obscure (until now!) Canadian author, has remixed my 1999 award-mentioning short story The Secret Cyber-Diary of Captain Massengill Smugtwat into a full length novel! I haven't read it yet (I'm in the middle of an exhaustive project to translate "The Watchmen" into Kleet -- a Klingon version of leet-speak)... but I'll get to it as soon as I can! I love being able to help my fellow authors with their careers!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Margaret Atwood remixes one of Corky's short stories!
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1 comment:
Welcome back, Corky!
"Klingon L33T-speak" kind of sounds redundant, though, like "steampunk visionary."
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